16 oz. Coffee with a spoonful of Carmel
Trial mix
2 pears
Can of soup chicken noodle progresso
1 homemade chocolate chip cookie with pecans and walnuts
One large slice of pizza from Costco
One homemade cookie with pecan and walnuts I have t baked these cookies in some years. I couldn’t find the recipe. I thought I emailed it to myself but I couldn’t find it. The family was happy they didn’t last too long. It always makes me feel good when my food goes quickly in the house. The funniest part was when my son asked about having some the next day my husband interrupted and was trying to negotiate with the kids bc he knew I was not cooking them for a while.
1c blueberries
1c of coffee with cream and a splash of chocolate syrup
Trail mix
2 pears Omgoodness those pear were so good. Fall is pear and apple season.
Tortilla chips and salsa
Tasted 1 turkey meat ball
1/2 of popcorn
1c Apple cider warmed